Altadena Rotary Club
Chairman's Planning Guide (CPG)

Project Name: _____________________________________

CPG Classification: _______________________________

Supervising Club Officer: _______________________________

Chairperson's Name: _______________________________

W-Ph: (______) ________-_____________ . . . .H-Ph: (______) ________-_____________

Fax: (______) ________-_____________ . . . .Email: ___________________________

PROPER USE OF THE GUIDE: Good advanced planning and record keeping will assure success. Use this guide in planning and conducting the project by answering each of the following questions. The form should be used as a cover sheet to the Chairman's Planning Guide.


  • Primary Purpose: (What is the one reason to successfully run this project?)
  • Give a brief description of the proposed project and background information. Follow this with a listing of the specific and measurable goals to be accomplished by this project. (for example, give the specific number of Rotarians needed for the project)


    • What are the specific manpower assignments? (Show names and duties)
    • What specific materials, supplies, and resources will be required?
    • Describe the potential problems and solutions to successfully complete this project.

    Potential Problems:

    Solutions to the Potential Problems:

  • Complete a proposed budget indicating all anticipated income and expense.
  • List the specific steps to bring this project to a successful completion showing planned dates for each step. (a time line )
  • Record any revision of the original plan.
  • List solutions or recommendations for a future chairperson!
  • Give specific and measurable results for each goal established. Describe the impact of this project on the Altadena Rotary Club, Its individual members and the community at large.

* Upon completion of the project, complete the actual section of the financial statement

Date approved by the board/by Rotary Club of Altadena _______________________

Date Final Report Approved: __________________

Follow up: Give a brief description of the project. What was the impact? What would you do differently

Give this completed report to the project planning chairperson

copies to: rotary\Chairpersons\ chair planning guide CPG

©Rotary Club of Altadena; Universal rights reserved